联系方式:244152158@qq.com; t20121499@csuft.edu.cn
2013.012-现在 十大网赌信誉网址官网食品科学与技术学院 副教授
2012.09-2013.11 十大网赌信誉网址官网食品科学与技术学院 讲师
2009.04-2012.08 华中科技大学生物学博士后流动站 博士后
2005.09-2009.03 华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院 工学博士
2002.09-2005.08 湖南师范大学化学化工学院 讲师
1999.09-2002.07 湖南师范大学化学化工学院 理学硕士
1994.07-1999.08 湖南师范大学分析测试中心 助教
1990.09-1994.06 湖南师范大学化学化工学院 理学学士
1. Ying Li, Dalu Zhang, Xiaojun Feng, Guisen Zhang, Youzhi Xu*, and Bi-Feng Liu. (2012) A microsecond microfluidic mixer for characterizing fast biochemical reactions. Tanlanta. 88, 175-180. (SCI, IF 3.498).
2. Youzhi Xu, Xiaojun Feng, Wei Du, Xin Liu, Qingming Luo and Bi-Feng Liu. (2008) Kinetic and thermodynamic characterization of telomeric G-quadruplex by nonequilibrium capillary electrophoresis: Application to G-quadruplex/duplex competition. Analytical Chemistry, 80, 6935-6941. (SCI, IF 5.695)
3. Youzhi Xu, Sheng Chen, Xiaojun Feng, Wei Du, Qingming Luo and Bi-Feng Liu. (2008) On-column detection of multiphoton-excited fluorescence in CE using hyphenated cylindrical-square capillaries. Electrophoresis, 29, 734-739. (SCI, IF 3.261)
4. Ying Li, Chao Liu, Xiaojun Feng, Youzhi Xu, and Bi-Feng Liu. (2014) Ultrafast Microfluidic Mixer for Tracking the Early Folding Kinetics of Human Telomere G-Quadruplex. Analytical Chemistry. 86(9), 4333-4339. (SCI, IF 5.695)
5. Ying Li, Fei Xu, Chao Liu, Youzhi Xu, Xiaojun Feng, and Bi-Feng Liu. (2013) A novel microfluidic mixer based on dual-hydrodynamic focusing for interrogating the kinetics of DNA-protein interaction. Analyst. 138(16), 4475-4482. (SCI, IF 3.969)
6. Ying Li, Youzhi Xu, Xiaojun Feng, and Bi-Feng Liu. (2012) A Rapid Microfluidic Mixer for High-Viscosity Fluids To Track Ultrafast Early Folding Kinetics of G-Quadruplex under Molecular Crowding Conditions. Analytical Chemistry. 84(21), 9025-9032. (SCI, IF 5.695)
7. Dingding Mo, Lingjia Wu, Youzhi Xu, Jun Ren, Long Wang, Lin Huang, Qi-Jia Wu, Penghui Bao, Mao-Hua Xie, Ping Yin, Bi-Feng Liu, Yi Liang and Yi Zhang. (2011) A maturase that specifically stabilizes and activates its cognate group I intron at high temperatures. Biochimie, 93(3), 533-541. (SCI, IF 3.142)
8. Bo Xu, Xiaojun Feng, Youzhi Xu, Wei Du, Qingming Luo and Bi-Feng Liu. (2009) Two-dimensional electrophoresis on a microfluidic chip for quantitative amino acid analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 394, 1911-1917. (SCI, IF 3.659)
9. Guisen Zhang, Chungen Qian, Youzhi Xu, Xiaojun Feng, Wei Du and Bi-Feng Liu. (2009) Open tubular CEC in a microfluidic chip for rapid chiral recognition. Journal of Separation Science, 32, 374-380. (SCI, IF 2.591)
10. Xiaojun Feng, Sheng Chen, Youzhi Xu, Wei Du, Qingming Luo and Bi-Feng Liu. (2008) Separation and determination of biogenic amines in fish using MEKC with novel multiphoton excitation fluorescence detection. Journal of Separation Science, 31, 824-828. (SCI, IF 2. 591)
1. 徐友志, 付宇新, 钟海雁, 雷小林, 喻望, 贺义昌, 王召滢, 曹冰, 符树根, 龙晓茵, 罗贤飞, 孙婷婷. 一种基于机器学习算法的掺伪茶油鉴别方法, 2023-06-23.
2. 刘笔锋, 徐友志, 李颖, 冯晓均. 十字型三维水力聚焦微混合装置, 2014-5-7.
3. 刘笔锋, 徐友志, 冯晓均, 李颖. 一种微混合和微反应装置, 2014-1-22
4. 刘笔锋, 徐友志, 李颖, 刘超, 刘欣. 一种基于三维水力聚焦的微混合装置, 2013-10-30.
5. 林亲录, 徐友志, 白婕, 郭志萍, 杨涛, 吴伟, 吴晓娟, 周玲. 一种消减谷物颗粒中重金属含量并对废液进行处理的设备, 2016-09-14.